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Author: Sara Sprong

Activating a nEtwork in Emergencies

Activating a Network in Emergencies & Disasters

Whether due to weather, disease or errors by man, emergencies create huge obstacles for any community to handle. Having to deal with something carrying unknown and uncertain consequences, such as a new illness, poses its own challenges. Activating a network in emergencies and disasters can

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Using Network Analysis to Tell Your Network’s Story

Using data to enhance a network’s story highlights the impact of collaboration amongst community members sharing a common goal. Networks can use data to demonstrate to partners, stakeholders, and funders how the quality of their partnerships are progressing over time and why working together is

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Supportive Connections: The Secret to Courageous Leadership

Supportive Connections Have Many Benefits- Including Courageous Leadership At Visible Network Labs we believe that your health and well-being are rooted in your supportive connections. I want to take that one step further and say that your leadership is also rooted in your supportive connections

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Top 10 Tips for Launching your PARTNER Survey

As the product manager of the PARTNER tool, I field a lot of questions about how to launch the surveys. From simple questions about how to find resources, to more complex situations like how to deal with changes after you begin. Launching any survey can

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Eight Tips for Designing a PARTNER Tool Survey

The PARTNER Tool is a survey and network analysis tool that helps measure and analyze the quality and structure of inter-organizational networks. Using PARTNER data, network managers can be more strategic in how they build, manage and evaluate their networks to improve processes and outcomes

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Network Leadership Guide

Advice for building, managing, and assessing cross-sector networks or coalitions of partners.

Ecosystem Mapping Template

A template to map the connections and interactions between key stakeholders in your community.

Network Strategy Planner

A worksheet and guide to help you think through and develop your network or ecosystem strategy.

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