How It Works

PARTNER™ makes invisible networks visible by mapping complex connections and analyzing relationship dynamics. Whether tailoring healthcare interventions, strategically allocating grants, or aligning diverse stakeholders, PARTNER CPRM™ empowers organizations to drive meaningful impact. 

Implementing PARTNER CPRM™ in 5 Steps

Our unique approach fosters a continual cycle of collaboration and strategic planning. Keeping your network data fresh enables regularly updating your strategies and adapting to community changes for ongoing collaboration and alignment. Here’s how it unfolds in five steps which can be repeated on weekly, monthly, or quarterly cycles.

1. Upload Your Ecosystem Members

Upload contact information, GIS data, and other details like sector or focus area.

2. Set Up Templates and Questions

Create your question bank and email templates to start collecting data.

3. Send a Survey to Collect Data

Schedule or send emails to collect and capture data after partner interactions.

4. Map and Analyze Your Network

Translate your date into actionable insights using our analysis tools.

5. Build Reports and Dashboards

Democratize data and share insights with the Report Builder and Member Profiles.


Analyze relationships and drive strategic decisions with expert guidance.

Experience a tailored approach to align with your unique goals.

Identify key players and track network evolution.

Maximize your collaborative advantage through data-driven insights.

Community partner relationship management tools

Manage an Ecosystem

Centrally manage your stakeholder information.

Email templates

Streamline your communication with custom templates.


Automate emails to reach your network at optimal times.

Build Surveys

Design and deploy network surveys quickly and easily.

Track over Time

Record, track, and analyze interactions with partners.

Measure Trust & Value

Assess and monitor the trust and value of partnerships.

Map Networks

Visualize and analyze your partner network.

Member Profiles

Access and share detailed profiles of individual partners.

Create GIS Maps

Visualize your connections on a geographic map.

Build Reports

Compile and share dynamic reports with your findings.

Start Networking with a Strategy

With PARTNER CPRM™, shift from a ‘more is better’ approach to a strategic mindset. Build only the essential relationships necessary to achieve shared goals. Practice strategic collaborative management and access systems data for better systems change. PARTNER™ helps you tell the complete story of your network, making a difference in your community.