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Category: Publications


Quantifying relational change in community organisations participating in a Veteran suicide prevention learning collaborative: a social network analysis

This newly published study leveraged SNA using PARTNER CPRM to quantify relational changes in community organizations working collaborative to prevent veteran suicide. Read the abstract and the full study below. Suicide among Veterans remains a grave concern in the United States, with an average of

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Transformational Systems Change for Community Health with PARTNER CPRM

Transformational Systems Change for Community Health with PARTNER CPRM

In today’s rapidly evolving health landscape, addressing global health challenges requires more than isolated interventions. A comprehensive systems perspective is crucial, as highlighted in a growing body of literature advocating for a holistic approach to health systems strengthening.  However, after a decade of cross-sector attempts

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Health System Patient Referrals for Unmet Social Needs

Health System Patient Referrals for Unmet Social Needs: Exploring the Capacity of Community-Based Organizations to Absorb Them

We conducted this research to better understand the capacity of community organizations to abosrb health system patient referrals for unmet social needs. This study examines the perspectives, resources, role and services provided by community-based organisations (CBOs) in response to the integration of health and social

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Partnerships for Recovery Across The Sectors (PRACTIS) Toolkit

This toolkit demonstrates how to use the PARTNER platform for coordinating and assessing recovery networks. Based on a partnership between VNL, RAND, and the NY State Health Department, the use case is focused on response networks after Hurricane Sandy.  The RAND Corporation, in partnership with

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Evaluating Networks using PARTNER

Evaluating Networks Using PARTNER: A Social Network Evaluation Tool

Today, cross-sector partners are working together and utilizing a systems approach to solve and tackle complex social problems facing their communities. While building cross-sector organizational networks has become a best practice in solving complex problems, there is little guidance or evidence on how it can

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Structural Holes and Networks

Structural Holes and Networks

The theory of structural holes and networks suggests that intentionally leaving gaps between members of a network provides certain key advantages. Tightly interconnected networks are full of redundant information – you don’t necessarily need to actively work with everything in a coalition to fully leverage

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The Strength of Weak Ties

The Strength of Weak Ties was one of the most important network science theories in existence. In 1973, Mark Granovetter wrote his landmark paper studying how people get jobs through their personal networks. Contrary to expectations, Mark found that people typically get new jobs through

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Network Leadership Guide

Advice for building, managing, and assessing cross-sector networks or coalitions of partners.

Ecosystem Mapping Template

A template to map the connections and interactions between key stakeholders in your community.

Network Strategy Planner

A worksheet and guide to help you think through and develop your network or ecosystem strategy.

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