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Tag: Original Content

Spotlight & Webinar Recap

Spotlight & Webinar Recap: Our Social Support Fellowship

On March 30th, 2022, our Understanding Social Connectedness Among Young Adults webinar went live. In addition to our founder and CEO, Dr. Danielle Varda and our Network Data Scientist, Dr. Rose Y. Hardy, we were fortunate to be joined by our three outstanding Social Support

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Brandon Davis

Help Us Welcome Our New Product Owner, Brandon Davis!

We’re excited to announce the newest edition to our growing team, Brandon Davis! Brandon is our Product Owner, and he brings a background in development and product ownership to his role. He’ll be working to support our Product and Tech teams, and we’re happy to

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VNL & DPS' Partnership

VNL & Denver Public Schools: A Look at Phase 2

In a previous piece introducing our work with Denver Public Schools (DPS, District), we took a high-level look at which areas the Family and Community Engagement Division within the District, as well as DPS’ Central Office were seeking insights on: who their staff partners with

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Social Prescribing in The USA

Social Prescribing in The USA: On the Rise?​

What is social prescribing? What if, when a patient went to their health care provider for an ailment like depression, their provider not only offered pharmaceutical and clinical solutions, but asked about their interests and passions? And, after a person-centered discussion, the provider recommended and

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It’s Our Birthday!

Today is our 4th birthday, and we couldn’t be more proud of how far we’ve come! Over a decade ago, our founder and CEO, Dr. Danielle Varda, founded the Center on Network Science at the University of Colorado Denver. With help from the Robert Wood

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Social Isolation

Social Isolation: 37 Quotes

Social Isolation is complex. For some, it is self imposed, a choice: a way to find motivation, creativity, and clear the mind. These people can rejoin their social connections whenever they choose, and are likely socially stimulated to the point that they need solitude, not

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Network Leadership Guide

Advice for building, managing, and assessing cross-sector networks or coalitions of partners.

Ecosystem Mapping Template

A template to map the connections and interactions between key stakeholders in your community.

Network Strategy Planner

A worksheet and guide to help you think through and develop your network or ecosystem strategy.

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