Network Research

Try searching for a topic related to building, managing, and evaluating cross-sector coalitions, networks, and community partnerships.

We’ve done a lot of research and written many papers over our decades of time studying networks. Topics range from network governance and communication to network trust and strategies. Here are all our peer-reviewed articles and other scientific papers free to read and use for non-commercial purposes. Check back for new research – we regularly publish new findings and papers.


How to Identify Success Among Networks that Promote Active Living

Objectives. We evaluated organization- and network-level factors that influence organizations’ perceived success. This is important for managing interorganizational networks, which can mobilize communities to address complex health issues such as physical activity, and for achieving change. Methods. In 2011, we used structured interview and network

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Contributions of Health Care Coalitions to Preparedness and Resilience: Perspectives From Hospital Preparedness Program and Health Care Preparedness Coalitions

Objective: The purpose of this article was to describe how the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) and other health care coalitions conceptualize and measure progress or success and to identify strategies to improve coalition success and address known barriers to success. Methods: We conducted a structured

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Patterns in PARTNERing across Public Health Collaboratives

Abstract: Inter-organizational networks represent one of the most promising practice-based approaches in public health as a way to attain resources, share knowledge, and, in turn, improve population health outcomes. However, the interdependencies and effectiveness related to the structure, management, and costs of these networks represents

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Didn’t find what you were looking for? Use the search and filter options on the right to conduct a more personalized search, or visit our Network Science Resource Library for complete access to all of our webinars, infographics, articles and research all in one place.

You can also visit our PARTNER Research & Evaluation Example Page to see a few dozen examples of third party studies and evaluations conducted using our tools and software. Network analysis provides a powerful lens for improving collaboration and networking.

We follow a number of peer-reviewed journals to inform and advance our work. Here’s a list of some of the sources we recommend related to network science, public health, collaboration and social impact.

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