Social Network Analysis for Disasters: Issues and Insights Prompted by Post-Katrina Research

social network analysis for disasters

It’s long been recognized that social capital and networks play an important role in communities during disaster recovery. This paper sought to better understand the ways we can use social network analysis for disasters to understand the link between social networks and disaster relief and recovery.

Abstract Dynamic social networks, a key concept in modern social science research, are beginning to play a major role in understanding the ways in which individuals and communities respond to disasters. The authors of this paper review the relevant theory and research regarding how crises cause change in social networks, and how those changes may or may not facilitate recovery, as a function of the kinds of changes that occur. 

This paper applies the In/Out/Seeker/Provider (IOSP) framework to identify categories in which we might study disasters and the impact both on the networks and the impacts to the networks. This paper details options for applying social network analysis to research of both pre- and post-disaster settings and concludes by framing a research agenda for the future study of the dynamics of network change following a disaster.

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Keywords: Social networks, In/Out Seeker/Providers (IOSP), Social network analysis, Disaster, research, Katrina Social, Network Analysis for Disasters, Hurricanes, PARTNER, Danielle Varda, Visible Network Labs, Hurricane Katrina

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