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Tag: Network Leadership

Systems Thinking Quotes

Systems Thinking Quotes | 23 Favorite Thought-Provoking Sayings

Systems thinking is an important perspective for all network leaders! A network is fundamentally a system, experiencing many of the same dynamics that other systems go through, including emergence, feedback loops, and interconnection. We’ve come across many insightful systems thinking quotes and sayings over our

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What is a network strategy?

What is a Network Strategy? Why Is Having One So Important?

For those working in the field of social impact, building networks is part of the new normal. Creating partnerships with other organizations lets us share resources and knowledge, coordinate our action, and leverage diverse forms of value like influence and experience. However it is too

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Virtual Facilitation webinar

Webinar: Virtual Facilitation in the Age of COVID-19

https://youtu.be/phi5IWIBdiM Virtual Facilitation Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult… Our Webinar Can Help! COVID-19 has changed the way network leaders meet and engage with each other. Given the very real need to avoid face-to-face interactions and socially distance, many are turning to virtual facilitation to fill

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Closed Vs Open Networks

Closed Vs Open Networks: When is Each Most Effective?

In network theory, a major focus of study is on the relative ‘openness’ of a network, and its relationship with network effectiveness. Specifically, people wonder whether the ideal is closed vs open networks. Coleman (1988) introduced a theory that claims tighter, densely interconnected, ‘closed’ networks

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Network Purpose

Network Purpose: What Can You Accomplish Collectively?

People build networks for a reason, what we call their “network purpose.” Some networks or alliances are extremely focused in what they address, while others take a more fluid approach and change their purpose over time. However, it’s important to pick a purpose with intent

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Types of Organizational Networks

Types of Organizational Networks: 6 Ways to Organize a Network

Organizational networks bring together numerous different organizations to work together and collaborate around a common purpose. However there are many different types of organizational networks, each oriented towards different goals and contexts. If you’re considering creating a network of partners, it’s important to know they

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How to Build Partnerships with Community Organizations

How to Build Partnerships with Community Organizations

Community partnerships are a powerful force for good when it comes to social change and impact. Building new connections with community organizations provides new ideas, resources and ways of thinking that can help you make the world a better place, whether you’re working to improve

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Network Leadership Guide

Advice for building, managing, and assessing cross-sector networks or coalitions of partners.

Ecosystem Mapping Template

A template to map the connections and interactions between key stakeholders in your community.

Network Strategy Planner

A worksheet and guide to help you think through and develop your network or ecosystem strategy.

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