Webinar: Using Network Analysis to Evaluate Early Childhood Systems of Care

Join this webinar to learn about using social network analysis to better understand, leverage, and evaluate organizations collaborating together. SAMHSA’s (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) Project LAUNCH sites are pioneering new ways to promote young children’s wellness by funding states and tribes to expand the use of evidence-based practices, improve collaboration among child-serving organizations, and integrate physical and mental health services and supports for children and their families. LAUNCH grantees form state/tribal and local Young Child Wellness Councils engage key players across the child-serving system to integrate and coordinate programs, policies, data, and funding. The evaluation of Vermont’s Project LAUNCH included a social network analysis to examine how new partners and sectors were engaged to build and ensure access to a comprehensive system of care for children and families. Presenters: Lea Ayers LaFave & Naomi Clemmons, JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc

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