
Try searching for a topic related to network science, building, and managing network, ecosystem tracking, community partnerships, social care, or the social determinants of health.

We create these network infographics to help our users understand network concepts, metrics, and ideas. Some examples include social isolation and loneliness, network science and leadership, social network analysis, strategic planning, communication, facilitation, trust, and power. We’re always adding new infographics; check back regularly.

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Ecosystem mapping 101 infographic

Ecosystem Mapping 101 Infographic: System Change for Social Impact

Ecosystem mapping involves mapping the relationships and interactions between the networks, stakeholders, policies, and environment on a specific issue or context. For example, the public health ecosystem consists of all the organizations in the public, non-profit, and private health sector, along with social service providers,

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Layering Network Data

Layering Network Data to Create Actionable Insights

Social network analysis is a powerful way to visualize collaboration between partners, demonstrate your collective impact, and create actionable insights to improve the way you work together in the future. While a good deal of attention goes into designing and sharing your survey, the real

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social isolation vs loneliness

Social Isolation vs Loneliness: An Infographic Explainer

Social isolation and loneliness appear a lot in the news these days. Following the past two years of quarantines and social distancing, these twin concerns are now a major priority for governments, mental health providers, and others in a number of sectors. However, there are

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Indicators of Social Isolation Among Older Adults

Many studies suggest that older adults face a higher risk of social isolation and loneliness than the average American. This is due to several reasons, including a greater likelihood of losing a spouse or significant other, physical isolation in a care home, and a reduction

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How to Analyze a Network Map

How to Analyze a Network Map: An Infographic

If you’ve ever looked at a map of a social network, it probably looked like a jumble of interconnected lines and nodes. Without the right skill and training, analyzing such a network map is an incredibly difficult task. You need to have an understanding of

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How Does Social Connectedness Influence Health?

Over the past four decades, a significant body of literature has demonstrated that there is a significant link between social connectedness – our relationships with others – and our health and well-being. While this feels and sounds intuitive, you may have wondered specifically how our

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effective network management

5 Critical Tasks for Effective Network Management

Managing a network of community partners is no easy task. Unlike typical hierarchical organizations, a network is horizontal with few formal mechanisms for accountability through control. Network leaders have to rely on more abstract ideas like trust and mission alignment to keep their partners accountable,

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Organizational Network Structures

Organizational Network Structures: 6 Common Examples

There are many different ways to structure a network… for example, in a decentralized structure, everyone in a network can be connected to everyone else, while in a centralized structure, everyone connects to a single, central entity. Each of these organizational network structures has its

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Network Purpose

Network Purpose: What Can You Accomplish Collectively?

People build networks for a reason, what we call their “network purpose.” Some networks or alliances are extremely focused in what they address, while others take a more fluid approach and change their purpose over time. However, it’s important to pick a purpose with intent

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