December 2021 PARTNER Updates: Here’s What’s New
We are always working on new updates and features for our products, including the PARTNER CPRM and PARTNERme. This December we launched two new features on the PARTNER Platform to provide our users more options and value. Here is a quick description of the new features: Respondent Profile Links and a Smart Resource Search function.
New Feature: Respondent Profile Links
You can now send links out to your partners or clients that will display their Visible Network profile detailing their screener results. Once this link is clicked they are able to get a snapshot view of their PARTNER or PARTNERme data and results. You can get a link to share by clicking on the options button next to the name of the person whose profile you want to view. Click the link and copy and paste it into an email to share. This is a great way to make your data more valuable for your partners and clients while incentivizing also incentivizing them to participate in your survey or screening.
New Feature: Smart Resource Search
This feature helps PARTNERme users search through resource more quickly and efficiently. When putting together resources and referrals for a client, you can now search directly for resources by attribute type. Once you find the best resources for their needs you can easily add them to the “Suggested for You” section on their Visible Network Profile. This can be shared with the patient as a community referral to fill gaps in their social support network.
Learn more about these updates: Get in Touch!
Using new features is not always easy. Our team is here to help make it a little less confusing. Whether you are a current PARTNER user interested in these new features, or you are still considering using the platform, the best way to learn more is to connect with our staff. Use the link below to send us a message or set up a call. We look forward to connecting with you!
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