Social Network Analysis brief

Social Network Analysis Brief

A Network Science Brief from Visible Network Labs

Social Network Analysis (SNA) is the study of the structural relationships among interacting actors and the resulting effect on the network (how those relationships produce varying effects).  A network is any interconnected group or system. The power of SNA comes from its applicability to so many different fields, sectors and uses. 

Here at Visible Network Labs, we use social network analysis to help inter-organizational partners work together more strategically and effectively. By analyzing the structure and quality of connections in their network of partnerships, along with agreement across partners, you can provide a great deal of insight on how to manage your network more effecitvely.

Here are some of the questions you can answer using social network analysis:

  • What organizations are part the network, and how are they working together?

  • What are the benefits and challenges of participating in the network?

  • How important is collaborative decision making in networks?

  • What is the role that powerful/influential members play in networks?

  • What value do partners bring to networks?

  • How should organizations invest resources to build and strengthen new partnerships?

  • How are cross-sector partnerships leading to health and well-being outcomes?

  • What kinds of resources are organizations leveraging collaboratively?

Read our full Social Network Analysis Brief below. You can also download, print or email it to share it with others in your work or network.

Check out our Social Network Analysis 101 Guide to learn more about this powerful methodology for creating effective systems change.

Manage, Map, and Track Your Ecosystem with PARTNER CPRM!
PARTNER CPRM leverages network science methods and measures to capture relationship data, manage community partnerships, and map and analyze networks. The end result: stronger ecosystems and scaled collaborative impact. Start building partnerships with a network strategy: Learn more below!
Alex Derr

About the Author: Alex Derr, M.P.A.

Director of Marketing & Communications

Alex joined VNL in 2017, originally supporting our events. He now helps manages our communications and marketing strategy and content development work. Alex creates blogs, infographics, reports, and other content while managing our web and social media presence. He also runs our email marketing campaigns, tracks analytics, and conducts market research to drive our strategy. He supports our entire team with copywriting, graphic design and research, and helps with events, webinars, demos, and other online learning. When he isn’t at work Alex spends his time climbing 14ers (30 done, 28 to go!) and blogging on his own website, The Next Summit Blog.

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