Send & Schedule Emails

Quickly Collect and Share Data with Community Stakeholders

Streamline Your Communications with Ease

Maximize your outreach and engagement with PARTNER CPRM’s Send & Schedule Emails feature. Effortlessly share survey links to collect vital data and distribute profiles and dashboards to keep everyone informed and aligned about your findings and insights.

Automated Scheduling

Plan and automate your email campaigns to ensure timely communication.

Customizable Templates

Incorporate demographic and socioeconomic data layers into your maps.

Share Custom Links

Share custom links to access surveys or profiles using email merge tags.

These tools are designed to enhance your productivity by simplifying how you manage and execute your communications strategy.

Save Time and Collect Data With Ease

With PARTNER CPRM, sending and scheduling emails becomes a seamless part of your workflow. Whether it’s inviting stakeholders to participate in a survey or sharing the latest findings through interactive dashboards, our robust email system ensures your messages are both impactful and timely.

The Advantages of Built-In Emails

Hear from Our Users