Our Services
Social Network Analysis (SNA) Research, Evaluation, and Consulting
Our Data Science team helps organizations like yours harness the full potential of social network analysis for more effective collaboration and decision-making. Our network science experts can help you design and implement your PARTNER CPRM project from start to finish, including design, data collection, mapping, analysis, and reporting.
Get started by requesting more information or exploring our case studies.

Our Approach

Our services are designed to help you map your network, demonstrate your shared impact, and identify opportunities for improvement to guide your collaborative approach and strategy.
We’ve worked with more than one hundred communities utilizing our research and evaluation framework, which offers insights into trust and value, influence, key players, coordination, resource-sharing, communication flows, and network alignment.
Our unique approach provides data and insights to identify what’s working and advance collective impact strategies. Here are some of our methods and available services.
Our Methods
- Social Network Analysis
We collect data to visualize and analyze the connections and interactions among your network or ecosystem of community partners and create additional reports and profiles.
- Mixed-Methods Research
Our team combines network data with qualitative interviews, surveys, and focus groups to create a deeper understanding of complex community problems and network dynamics.
- Community-based Research
We work with and include communities in our projects to ensure multiple perspectives are shared, and our methods and project findings are rooted in equity and inclusivity.
- Data Science & Analysis
We have extensive experience with complex measures, advanced network data analysis, and other statistical applications of network science in research and evaluation.
- Project Management
Our friendly and experienced project managers work closely with each client to manage the implementation of complex research and evaluation projects at every step of the process.
- Design Thinking
We use a human-centered, design-thinking approach while developing new projects and partnerships emphasizing empathy, experimentation, and collaboration to create innovative soltions.
How It Works
All Enterprise Services are scoped to meet your needs, ensuring you get the most value for your investment. Here’s how we typically structure our services:
1. Project Design
First, work with our team to identify your key objectives and guiding questions: these will guide the entire analysis, including the development of your network survey questions, member attributes, analysis plans, and more. Common questions and objectives include:
- Who is working together and who is still isolated?
- Where are my community’s key influencers and relationship brokers?
- Where are partners aligned and where are there gaps in our efforts?
- What is working in our network and what needs improvement?
- Which relationships are attributed to my relationship-building efforts?
- What do trust and value look like in our network?
- How is our network impacting our members and the community?
2. Member Data Collection
Our experts will help your team organize, clean, and prepare data about the members of your community network, including key stakeholders, community partners, and other ecosystem members.
Examples of member attributes we can help organize include:
- Primary contact information
- Sector and industry
- Geographic reach
- Populations served
- Services provided
- Organizational memberships
- Available resources
- Strategic goals/objectives
- Legislative districts
- Secondary contacts
3. Relationship Data Collection
Work with us to develop network survey questions for capturing relationship data from your network of community partners. We leverage an extensive question bank developed through more than 100 projects. We also work to create new custom questions to measure the specific aspects of your relationships that matter to you based on your objectives and guiding questions.
Examples of the type of relationship data we collect includes:
- Which members of your network are connected?
- What is the level of intensity of each relationship?
- Which members are core and which are peripheral?
- What are the main key players and influencers?
- Who are the network’s key bridges, connecting otherwise siloed clusters?
- How frequently do partners interact?
- What resources are network members sharing?
- To what degree do partners trust and value each other?
- To what degree are the network’s members “on the same page?”
4. Data Analysis
By combining your member data and relationship data, our team crunches the numbers to drill in and answer as many of your guiding questions and key objectives as possible. Our analysis includes a variety of methods depending on the specific project:
- Key Player Analysis
- Relationship Attribution
- GIS Analysis
- Resource Inventory
- Trust and Value Scores
- Cross-tabulation
- Network Metrics (Density, Centrality)
5. Data Visualization
A picture is worth a thousand words – a network map is worth even more. Our team combines your member and relationship data along with our analysis results to create dynamic, interactive network and ecosystem maps showing your results and key insights. These reports, viewable online, can be explored by your team, partners, and even the public – depending on your preferences.
Network visualizations can be saved, re-accessed, edited over time, and downloaded as static images or PDF reports to share in a wide variety of formats depending on your type of audience.
6. Custom Reporting
Our network science team takes all of our analysis, maps, and findings and compiles one or more final reports that lay out the facts and answer the primary guiding questions we chose early on in your project. Reports are created by hand for each client to ensure they meet your specific needs and align with your community’s unique context.
7. Capacity Building
Our team concludes each project by providing your team capacity building and training opportunities and resources to start using and interpreting your data to generate action steps and a plan for implementing changes. We also provide access and walk you through your PARTNER CPRM ecosystem where you can continue to collect data, map networks, and analyze results in the future as your network changes and evolves over time.
Hear from our clients

Our Partnership Values
Unequivocal Committment
Effective Communication
Authentic Relationships
High-Quality Innovation
Continuous Learning
From design and implementation to support and capacity training, we offer our partners much more than software. We have decades of experience serving communities with a dedicated team who have a broad range of expertise in research and project design, data science and analysis, capacity training and technical assistance and technology development with the user as our focus. We have worked with partners on many topics, including social connectedness, health and wellbeing, maternal and child health, suicide prevention, education, and many others.
Get Started: Request More Info
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Questions about our services? Contact our team for more info: hello@visiblenetworklabs.com.