VNL Wins the Prime Health Innovation Challenge for PARTNERme
Denver, CO (November 18, 2020) – Visible Network Labs has been named the winner of the 7th annual Prime Health Innovation Challenge for their unique tech solution to address social isolation and adverse social connectedness. PARTNERme, the 2020 tech innovation winner, provides a new way for care providers to identify people at risk of adverse social connectedness and integrate personalized resource referrals into their treatment for improved care coordination, whole person care, and improved health outcomes. With support from the Colorado Health Foundation, Prime Health’s annual Innovation Challenge advances healthcare through technological innovation, aiming to improve health equity, access, quality, and cost for underserved communities in Colorado.
VNL is a team of the nation’s best network scientists and developers, committed to ensuring no one is without the social support they need. There is a firmly established link between adverse social connectedness and health outcomes:
- Loneliness is associated with higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide.
- Socially isolated women with breast cancer have a 60% chance higher risk of death.
- Poor social relationships are associated with a 29% increased risk of heart disease and a 32% increased risk of stroke.
COVID has exacerbated the issue; adverse social connectedness is a growing problem.
PARTNERme is an interactive way to make these invisible networks visible, so providers can identify those at greatest risk of adverse social connectedness at the point of care. “I love how PARTNERme engages the person directly & supports awareness of social needs for the community to respond,” commented Jason Greer, CEO of the CO Community Managed Care Network and an Innovation Challenge host.
With the $75K award, Visible Network Labs plans to launch several pilots in Colorado to validate the value of PARTNERme. Dr. Danielle Varda, CEO & Founder added, “We are honored to win this award. No one solution can solve such a complex problem alone, and our team is committed to do our part in working with the community to do everything we can to bring visibility to the issue of social connectedness, health, and mental health.”
Visit today to watch an explainer video, sign up for their newsletter or take a virtual tour of PARTNERme.